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Fall 2024: TIME
  • Fall 2024: TIME


    The artists featured in the TIME edition have produced time-bending works that politely, gently, and kindly invite viewers to take an extra moment of consideration from our fast-paced image heavy world. The payoff is not only a visual reward, but also the gift of new ideas when considering one’s own future recordings.



    June Clark & Christina Leslie, in conversation with Craig D’Arville

    Zinnia Naqvi, Time after Time, by Darren Pottie

    Sylvia Galbraith, What Time Is This Place? Camera Obsura Rooms

    Wade Comer, Layering time in a single frame, by Cece M. Scott

    Arianne Clement, Aging, beautifully. Documenting centenarians, by Alan Bulley

    Scarborough Made: Celebrating five years of community storytelling by Sid Naidu

    PORTFOLIO Featuring:

    Daphne Faye Boxill, Elsa Hashemi, Lucy Lu, Farah Al Amin, Julianna D’Intino, Elizabeth Siegfried, and Catherine Page.

    + MORE!



    Cover image solargraph by Bret Culp,

    “183 Sunsets Over Georgian Bay (2023.07.21 – 2023.12.21), Ontario”

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