In case you missed our CALGARY 2020 PHOTO INSPIRATION NIGHT event - check out our video featuring #yycartist Megan Conley.
Megan uses photography as a tool for creative therapy. Hear the story behind her work and dealing with 10 years of facial surgery trauma, “My mouth, chin, gums, and jaw now have 25 plates and screws that will keep everything intact for the rest of my life,” she explains. Check out her live presentation to an audience of over 350+ Calgary photography lovers in Pecha Kucha format.
If you are not familiar - Pecha Kucha is a format where speakers only have 20 slides X 20 secs/ slide to share their story. It's TOUGH. But really, really worth it.
Check out the more videos from our PHOTO INSPIRATION nights HERE.
We featured Megan's work in our
SPRING/ SUMMER 2020 - Photography + #Mental Health edition.