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Annie Briard: In Possible Lands

Katherine Dennis

In Possible Lands pairs superimposed photographs of landscapes — one image captured 45 years ago by the artist’s father, and the other a present-day image taken by Annie Briard at the same location—that together evoke a sense of wonder with their vivid colours and majestic yet familiar subjects. But examined up close, they reveal a world altered by human action.

Annie Briard
Annie Briard | In Possible Lands IV

On repeated long-haul hikes across Western Canada and the United States, the artist has been documenting a rapidly changing environment where, trip to trip, the evidence of climate change has become impossible to overlook.

Briard was struck by the connections she saw between these photographs and an archive of slides her father took years earlier, as he traveled from Quebec to British Columbia while studying geology. Each image of In Possible Lands compresses the time gap between these two sources. By looking at the changing landscape, the artist meditates on these visible as well as unseen human impacts. The resulting photographic works offer us a medium to see into the future, asking: How do we read the past and understand the present to make predictions about what is to come?

Annie Briard | In Possible Lands I

"Three slide projectors blend, at random, slides from my father’s archive. Photographs taken during his travels across Canada 45 years ago working on the railway, and my own slides from my own visits to the same locations.
A newly formed image is composed by chance and then re-photographed offering prescient insights into our future lands as they transform from our shifting climate."

Annie Briard | In Possible Lands III

Due to the current global health crisis, many people have been forced to slow down and stay close to home. As a result, our land use, among myriad other things, has changed swiftly. In only one short month, we saw (temporary?) measurable reductions in air pollution. Our relationship to landscapes nearby—accessible through daily walks around parks such as Lafarge Lake in Coquitlam where this work was exhibited - as well as to faraway places, now visible only through digital technology, have been dramatically altered in a way so few people foresaw.

Annie Briard | In Possible Lands II

Briard’s artwork resonates as a reminder that the environment we too easily take for granted can be viewed anew.

Annie Briard’s work challenges how we make sense of the world through visual perception. Creating lens-based and light-focused works, she explores the intersections between perception paradigms in psychology, neuroscience and existentialism.

Installation at Art Souterrain festival 2021 in Montreal.


Annie Briard holds a BFA from Concordia University, Montreal, and an MFA from Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver, where she currently teaches. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally. She is represented by Monica Reyes Gallery in Vancouver.

Canadian photographers and eco issues
Annie Briard's | In Possible Lands featured on the cover of our ECO ISSUE


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